Monday, 27 July 2015

out of synch...

Mag #280

it's strange
to be out of synch

she was British
and the role was
an American one

but circumstance
let her star

it's strange
to have thoughts
that don't seem to

some call it depression

she just knew
that her reality was strung 
somewhere between
a red tag and
a white tag

it's strange
to feel that home
may have begun in India
but then
glitzy love and promises
planted  a pseudo home
in filmy countryside
staged rooms

the kind that
never lasts

it's strange to see
the mask of all I was

gone with the wind


Linking to:
Magpie Tales


Other Mary said...

Oh, how clever to pair this with Vivien Leigh. Love your final lines:

it's strange to see
the mask of all I was

gone with the wind

Anonymous said...

gone with the wind" ...nice !

Unknown said...

Nice write and unique among the other submissions I have seen so far. Well done.

Art said...

Beautiful.. and the ending was superb... "Gone with the wind"

Berowne said...

Beautifully innovative and imaginative; well done.

Kutamun said...

Any normal functioning feeling human in our western society will seem depressed or insane .....

Cifar said...

excellent poem


Michael said...

a lovely story to tell

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